Monday 8 August 2011


'Should women date ugly men?'

Erm if they are also ugly, fire in.  If not, honestly? No. 
Best friends are those that you share your innermost thoughts with, create the most magical memories with, spend countless hours with, and are basically your other halves. Minus one key ingredient. SEX. Be best friends with an ugly man, sure. Don't date him. Having sex with someone you find about as appealing as a rancid teacloth is not advisable.  However if you're thinking long term, why not? Everyone ends up ugly and wrinkly anyway, so if you can endure 40 years of ugly before the wrinkles come, go ahead. 

Of course, R has a point in this. A slightly harsh reality, but all the same she is somewhat correct. Dating someone you aren't attracted to, or find very little attraction in, is an extremely bad idea no matter how nice a personality they have; however, it's all a matter of opinion. A guy your mate thinks is ugly doesn't necessarily mean he is - you could find him attractive even if you won't admit it to them.  After all, one girls' Seth Rogen is another's Robert Pattinson.  And I happen to find Robert Pattinson extremely unattractive.

Why not give the uglies a chance? After all, it may be a very beneficial decision. Given the actual chance they could show potential in a relationship while thinking they've struck lucky. Precious. This is then compared to the egotistic slightly more attractive male who is more likely to be less interested in their partner and constantly thinking of themselves. Not my favourite kind of person. So I say, why not? After all, in the long run a more happier emotional state can be achieved which is what we all usually strive for. More importantly not forgetting you will always be viewed as the more 'bangable' one in the relationship when you're attached to Shrek. Just kidding.

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